Minnesota Stroke Association

Stroke Resources

After a stroke, there are often difficult decisions to make. Fortunately, there are many resources available to assist with the rehabilitation process.

The Minnesota Stroke Association's Resource Guide has information to assist you in making informed decisions about the quality of life for you and/or the person you care for following a stroke. The Resource Guide has listings of resources and tips to help you choose support services that will meet your needs.

The Minnesota Stroke Association provideds resources and information through our Resource Facilitation department to better connect people affected by stroke and the professionals who support them with tailored information about available resources and supports in your area. Call our Resource Facilitation deaprtment at 763-553-0088 for more information and to find resources near you.

Click here to access Resource Facilitation services by filling out an Authorization Form.

Types of services that Resource Facilitation offers include:

  • Emotional support in coping with a 'new normal'
  • Finding mental health support and counselors who understand brain injury and stroke
  • Finding a support group
  • Finding or re-connecting to rehabilitation services
  • Finding where and how to get a brain injury assessed
  • Finding or re-connecting with a primary care physician
  • Supporting caregivers by connecting them with resources
  • Education about diagnosis and symptoms – "Is this normal
  • Helping educate family and loved ones of the survivor's "invisible" symptoms
  • Figuring out the logistics of returning to work, vocational rehab and understanding ADA rights
  • If not going back to work, support in finding meaningful ways to structure your day and exploring volunteer options
  • Coaching on navigation the federal, state and county health and disability service system with additional support and conference calls as needed
  • Help finding appropriate legal support for appealing and navigating Social Security Disability, providing advocacy on the individual’s behalf as needed and connecting with cost effective alternatives to lawyers as needed
  • Supporting parents/students with how to discuss return to school and sports with educators and connecting to a TBI specialist or parent advocate group if needed
  • Connecting to addiction (alcohol/drug/gambling/smoking) support and treatment services
  • Support with creative problem solving to life barriers.

These are just a few examples of common things that Resource Facilitation can help with. They are not limited to what is listed here so if you are curious if they can help, just ask.

The Minnesota Stroke Association's Resource Facilitation department is a free service that is available to anyone who has been affected by stroke or brain injury, including family, friends, co-workers and medical professionals who provide services for individuals with stroke and brain injury. Please contact our Resource Facilitation department at 763-553-0088 for assistance and accessing resources.